
The Pilot Club of Sweetwater meets for a lunch meeting on the third Thursday of each month.  The club is a group of caring people who come together in friendship and service,  to learn and develop into stronger individuals.  There is a Program Meeting, followed by a business meeting. In addition, the club is divided into three project divisions that are discussed monthly.  These divisions are the working nucleus of the club. Plans are formulated and put into action through the work of the divisions:

  • Projects Division determines projects and charities for the year.
  • Fund Raising Division plans fund raisers in support of the projects selected by the club.
  • Membership Division plans parties and special meetings for the club.Dues are paid annually. The Pilot Membership year begins on June 30th. Please contact us for more information at 404-314-0829.

    TRISH.WHATLEY SAM.PUPPETEERS charlie.patricia.web.version thanksgiving.2013




Contact Us
Pilot Club of Sweetwater, Inc.
130 Lambert Road
Whitesburg, GA 30185
Phone: :  404-314-0829