Seniors in our community

The Pilot Club of Sweetwater is dedicated to helping those in our community that need it the most. This includes our vast population of senior citizens. We are working on a program along with our sheriff’s department that will ensure the safety of each participant. The services will provide education on identity theft and scamming through phone solicitation and the postal service. Also involved are all county fire departments, city police, local ambulance services, and Douglas County senior services. An automated phone system will be set into place that will alert any one of these agencies in case of an emergency and the Vial of Life will be placed in each home.

In addition, our club promotes Care and Kindness week, a part of our International sponsorship around the world honoring those in our community who help and care for others.  The celebration is held the 2nd week in November with a luncheon honoring select recipients.



Contact Us
Pilot Club of Sweetwater, Inc.
130 Lambert Road
Whitesburg, GA 30185
Phone: :  404-314-0829